Another day, another celebrity-induced trend makes its way onto our social media feeds. While diet – or now known as 'wellness' – fads have been around for some time, they continually shapeshift but often do nothing but make us feel more insecure in the long run. One of the newer trends that every big-wig celebrity, influencer and impressionable young woman seems to be obsessed with is sea moss.

Now, fear not, this one does not involve injecting anything derived from the ocean into your face (salmon sperm facials we're looking at you). Instead, the likes of Kim Kardashian and Bella Hadid have been gorging on the gel-like moss sourced from the waters of the Caribbean. Why? In hopes of reaping the countless alleged health and beauty benefits, of course.

Although popular, sea moss is notorious for its 'foul' taste. But wellness company has given the product a bit of a fruity makeover. So, let's put sea moss to the test – does it actually have any benefits or will it live in the cupboard of TikTok trends past? Well, I was most certainly surprised to see that the sea moss was not green and fluffy but pink with a jam-like consistency.

And the gel smelt pretty jammy too. On first impression, it appears that Wyld Herbs has done a stellar job at battling the infamous sea moss smell that many have complained about in their pursuit of optimal health. Speaking of health, the jar states that the sea moss gel –infused with strawberry and agave – is high in fibre, potassium and ir.