Too Good To Go exists as a way to fight food waste, with many businesses offering bags of unsold products near their expiry date at a discounted price. Whilst some people may be aware that certain supermarkets such as Morrisons and Aldi offer bags of groceries through the service, plenty of other places take part as well. Lots of restaurants and cafes are part of the programme including Starbucks.

Now if you were looking to get a free coffee out of this then you would be looking in the wrong place, but their bag does incorporate plenty of sweet and savoury food items. For a cost of £4 you can get a mystery selection of wraps, bagels, paninis, cakes, salads, pastries and juices that would usually amount to £12. I was curious to see what this would be like, especially as I had only got Too Good To Go bags from supermarkets previously.

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