When I turned 60 it seemed like the ageing process was put on fast-forward and overnight, my skin changed. I booked in for a Visia Skincare Analysis to properly assess my complexion – and was horrified by the results. The machine is akin to a giant microscope that examines, in great and forensic detail, what's happening underneath your skin.

It looks at skin texture, pores, congestion, bacteria, sun damage and collagen breakdown and after a childhood baking in the African sun, I felt nervous about having my skin examined in such detail. It was no great surprise when the Visia uncovered considerable sun damage and UV spots. However, I was not expecting them to also find an embarrassing number of bacteria and wrinkles.

Lots of wrinkles. My pores were apparently on the large side and the texture was not nearly as smooth as it could be. I was shocked.

After years of people telling me how good my skin was, it was a stark reality check. I was told not to worry, that the clinic had seen a lot worse, but that only made me feel marginally better. Wakeup call My skin analysis turned out to be a game-changing moment for me and afterwards, everything changed.

I was advised to start using active ingredients to target the specifics of ageing skin. Until then, I'd loved using organic skincare, but it was time to switch it up. I worked out which active ingredients I most needed to target the issues I was having with my skin.

For pigmentation in midlife Few people get to midlife without acq.