Always listen to young women when they respond to threats to their bodily autonomy. or signup to continue reading And especially listen to Prudence Flowers who is psychic. Flowers is a senior lecturer at Flinders University and I met her when we both appeared on the late lamented ABC panel show, back in 2022.

She's an expert in US history. Now it turns out she's also a forecaster in Australian politics. When she told me, back then, that the end of would embolden global anti-abortion activists and politicians, I honestly thought Flowers was overreacting.

The US had always been a hotbed of men trying to control women's bodily autonomy and we'd seen it all a million times. Surely nothing like that could ever happen here. ? The case provided the framework for legal abortions across the United States and was overturned in 2022 (a draft judgment leaked first and suitably horrified so many).

The horror didn't stop the final decision. I'd now like to apologise to Dr Flowers in public. I also apologised in private earlier this week.

How could I have got it so wrong? And how did she get it so right? "People who oppose abortion don't view it as healthcare. They will never view it as healthcare," she said. "But I didn't think [the backlash] would be so fast to be honest.

" These conservative activists will never ever think the debate is settled. In the same way, Australian women will never settle for less than the right to choose and we must elect politicians who accept our view. Australi.