Spoilers below for anyone who hasn’t yet watched one of the 2024 movie schedule ’s most anticipated thrillers, M. Night Shyamalan ’s Trap , so be warned! The majority of moviegoers are well aware that what they’re watching on the big screen isn’t necessarily meant to reflect reality with precision, but there’s something distinctly enjoyable about questioning the realism behind sci-fi characters and technology or an action movie’s stunts. Today we’re putting our sights on the M.

Night Shyamalan’s latest thriller Trap , which may be the only movie about a serial killer in which no actual murders take place. The lack of deaths isn’t on the table today, however, but rather Trap ’s bizarro way of handling its core setting, an arena concert for the fictional pop star Lady Raven (portrayed by the director’s real-life musician daughter Saleka Night Shyamalan). As someone who has been to all sizes of concerts since my teens, I found myself regularly taken out of the movie largely due to moments and details tied specifically to the concert experience itself.

Let’s dig into those nagging elements below, presumably with some poppy bangers blasting on the soundtrack. The Whole Idea Of An Afternoon Show Is A Huge Stretch Immediately, Trap set out to confuse viewers. Not with any potentially impending twists , but by taking place at some point during the afternoon, rather than at night when concerts are generally set.

The narrative-based explanation is that the Phi.