Opus: Prism Peak is an upcoming Japanese narrative adventure game where you snap photos of ghosts to navigate your way through an unfamiliar ethereal world, and I think it might just solve all of my problems in life. OK, realistically, Opus: Prism Peak isn't going to make sure I have enough money in retirement or cure my chronic migraines, but it sure looks like it'll make living with those situations a lot more tolerable. The first thing I noticed is how it looks like the prettiest anime I've ever seen, with gorgeous lighting effects, colors, and depictions of nature and human emotion.

I mean, just look at this thing: Narratively, I just know this one's going to pack an emotional punch, and frankly I'm ready to be taught some hard lessons. It's about a photojournalist whose many failures in life have beaten him down into a bad place, and who ends up stumbling into an ethereal realm while returning to his hometown. It's in this spirit realm that he meets a mysterious girl willing to help him find his way home, which she believes can only be accessed via a far-away cabin.

"Where do grownups go when they've lost their way?" is the tagline from the trailer. Gameplay looks like it takes from cues from camera-based games like Pokemon Snap or, perhaps more fittingly, Fatal Frame. See, you don't just have a camera and can take pictures; photography is at the heart of the game.

"Photography in OPUS: Prism Peak reflects how deeply the protagonist perceives the world," says Taiwan-base.