Out of all of the live-action Catwoman actresses , Halle Berry made history by being the first Black actress to embody the DC role on the big screen. Unfortunately, the 2004 superhero movie Catwoman experienced mediocre reviews, performed poorly at the box office, and received seven Razzie Awards. Berry also received the Razzie for Worst Actress for her performance in it, and she recently explained the story behind developing her kickass acceptance speech saying, “I shit on it because they shit on it.

” With the Razzie Awards sending out awards to what they perceive as the worst movies and performances of the year, it takes a strong actress to accept that award with gusto. Halle Berry was one of them as she still pokes fun at her Razzie win for Catwoman . However, the Bruised actress told EW why it was important for her to accept it with humor and triumph compared to defeat: I didn’t love [the backlash].

Being a Black woman, I’m used to carrying negativity on my back, fighting, being a fish swimming upstream by myself. I’m used to defying stereotypes and making a way out of no way. I didn’t want to be casual about it, but I went and collected that Razzie, laughed at myself, and kept it moving.

It didn’t derail me because I’ve fought as a Black woman my whole life. A little bad publicity about a movie? I didn’t love it, but it wasn’t going to stop my world or derail me from doing what I love to do. Halle Berry has accomplished a lot of victorious firsts for .