A WOMAN was left fearing for her life when she developed rare symptoms causing her to feel drunk without bingeing on booze . A 38-year-old from Manchester has revealed that her life dramatically changed overnight. Frankie Hurley-Peet used to be a fitness fanatic, often competing in marathons and always active.

Yet, her clean bill of health was struck away when she suddenly developed terrifying symptoms which were so dramatic that even her wife thought she was drunk. Slurring her words, losing balance and blurred vision before eventually fainting, Frankie feared the worst as a numbness down her left calf quickly spread across her entire left side. Frankie said: "I hadn't touched a drop of alcohol , but I felt like I was constantly hammered.

" She revealed she was terrified of looking drunk in public, especially at work and felt like "my body was giving up on me ." She added: “My words kept getting muddled up. I’d called the remote a ‘brick' to my wife once, which we laughed about at first.

“But then, I couldn’t even finish a sentence." At one point she thought she might be suffering from a stroke. Most read in Health After a number of medical visits and tests, Frankie was diagnosed with a functional neurological disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome, neither of which have a cure.

The 38-year-old was still frustrated and turned to Google which "suggested cutting out carbs" which she did with Frankie saying, "miraculously, I felt like myself again.” Although it's not .