A man has been slammed for signing his girlfriend up for a social etiquette class before meeting his family to ensure she makes a good impression. He explained how he has been dating his girlfriend for around three months - and noticed their difference in upbringing after getting to know her on a deeper level. So, to make sure she made a good impression on his family, he decided to sign her up to an online social etiquette course.

He said on Reddit : "I'm blessed and had a fortunate upbringing. My gf on the other hand faced some challenges in her life from a young age (particularly financial challenges). "She's a beautiful, interesting person despite all of the hardships she faced.

The only problem is that she lacks the manners that my family typically expects from someone I'm in a relationship with. (My gf is the first less-fortunate woman I'm dating). For that reason, I made the effort to prepare her for her first dinner with my family.

" READ MORE - 'I kiss my husband in front of our kids – people who call it inappropriate are wrong' READ MORE - 'My date demanded I change my cat's name - she says it's offensive and embarrassing' But when he told her about her upcoming class, she blew up at him - saying he was rude and clearly embarrassed by her. He added: "He was absolutely furious. She claimed that I'm 'obviously embarrassed' to be with her and that I should just marry a 'rich girl' instead.

She even accused me of being 'just another white, privileged guy'. "To make matt.