A BEAUTY lover has shared how she revived her fried locks in a year thanks to a special ''dusting'' technique. Finding your tresses covered in split ends can be annoying and affecting your confidence, especially if you're desperately trying to become a real-life Rapunzel. There are many reasons you could be causing your locks to split, such as weakening the tresses with bleach and other harsh treatments or even simply by using the wrong type of brush , one trichologist previously revealed.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to fix split ends and when left alone, they will just get worse and worse, eventually leading to breakage and leaving you with shorter and even strands of locks. But how to get rid of them without sacrificing the length? Well, one beauty lover recently spilled the beans of a lesser-known technique that she swears by - something called ''dusting''. Not a haircut or even a little trim, hair dusting is a method that allegedly removes split ends - strand by strand, Cosmopolitan reported .

According to Clodagh Egan, who fixed her fried hair in under a year, ''dusting cuts are single-handedly the most important thing you can do to manage split ends''. The high street may be full of a range of products all promising different things - but no haircare ''on the planet will remove a split end''. The only thing that does work, she claimed in the video, was sticking to ''hair dusting'' and not the hairdresser, as ''99 per cent of the time you will ask them to give you a t.