Getting a seat on a packed train feels like hitting the jackpot. Whether you're travelling for work or leisure, no one wants to get on a train and find that they have to stand up for hours because there are no seats available. This is particularly true if you are elderly, pregnant , or have a disability, and although we all want a seat, most passengers would be willing to give theirs up to allow those in need to be comfortable.

One man, however, has admitted he lost his temper with a train passenger when she demanded he give up his seat so that she could sit down - as he argued he had a perfectly good reason to stay seated. In a post on Reddit , the 23-year-old man explained he was sitting on a busy train when an older woman - whom he estimated to be around 60 - got on and asked if he would give up his seat. He refused, and she began "yelling about entitled healthy young people".

But in a twist, the man revealed he had a good reason to want to remain seated, as he has a "limp in his left leg" due to an injury he sustained last year. He confessed he struggles to stand for more than 10 minutes without using a cane, so would not be able to stand up for over an hour on the train. He wrote: "She started yelling about how entitled young healthy people like me can't help an old lady like her.

Some people started to look at me weirdly and I decided to channel the same energy as her and yelled back about the fact that I'm disabled and can't stand for an hour plus until my stop and eve.