Sex & Love · Posted 1 minute ago People Who Divorced Over Problems In The Bedroom Are Sharing Their Stories "I really loved my ex-husband, but I’m still sad that, ultimately, sex (or lack thereof) is what broke us apart." by Fabiana Buontempo BuzzFeed Staff Link Facebook Pinterest Twitter Mail Being sexually compatible and satisfied is often very high on someone's list of things they want in a relationship or marriage. I recently asked those of the BuzzFeed Community who ended their relationship or marriage over intimacy issues to share their story with me.

Here is what they shared: 1. "My (now ex) partner of two years first described herself as very active in the bedroom — it turns out that was never really true. I'm not sure if she didn't know herself or thought she needed to present herself a certain way, but she wasn't actually interested in sex more than once a week (at most, and often not even once a month).

I would prefer to have sex every day, which I was upfront about. Her truth didn't come out until months into the relationship, and even then she wasn't completely honest." "This was compounded by the fact that she was a lazy partner who didn't care about my pleasure and often made cruel comments about my natural smell (never an issue with others and not a grooming issue).

I should also mention that we are both women. It wasn't until some really frustrating conversations that I realized she had issues with the smell of every partner she'd ever had. After a faile.