Holidays are something that we all look forward to, although the stress of airport queues and the hiked up prices of subpar food can often leave room to more to be desired. If you're lucky enough to get your hands on food in the airport without having to run straight off to your flight. That's before the struggle to find a seat comes into things.

Made even worse if you're hoping to sit with your travel companions or charge up your phone. Airport lounges are often suggested as a way to avoid these issues, guaranteeing food, drinks and a seat. Although regularly costing around £30 a head (with a way to get it for a lot less using Priority Pass), are they worth it? READ MORE: 'I took a cabin case with wheels on EasyJet and Ryanair flights and got fined both ways' READ MORE: ' I flew with Ryanair and saw so many people being forced to pay £46 to get on the plane' With that in mind, MEN reporter Ellie Kemp decided to give it a go for herself to see if the lounge life really lives up to the hype.

Here's what Ellie said: Passengers usually pay a set price to access a lounge, in return for a selection of food and drink nestled away from the hustle and bustle of the Departures waiting area. Manchester Airport , which flies passengers to more than 160 destinations, has nine lounges across its three terminals. The Escape Lounge promises 'an oasis of calm' and is the most economical option, priced at £28.

99 per person (accurate at time of original writing). Having never tried a lounge.