A mom is having major regrets after confessing to her adult daughter the uninspiring inspiration behind her unusual first name. “I feel like I made bad choices because I just told my daughter how we came up with her name, and now she hates me,” the woman says on the Tragedeigh Reddit thread. “When I was 22, her dad and I were laying in bed right after we found out we were having a girl.

We were trying to think of names. I looked over at a lamp and jokingly said, ‘What about Shade?,’ and for some reason, he loved it. “It kind of stuck, so I named her that, except I spelled it ‘Shaide’.

” After 25 years of assuming there was a more romantic story to her unique name, the daughter found out whilst in labor that she was in fact named after bedroom furniture and she was not happy. Now that it is too late to go back on the name’s origins , the OP asks the forum whether she made a mistake and most people in the hundreds of comments agree that yes, maybe she did. “Well, telling a kid they’re named after something totally mundane does kinda remove the mystique from an unusual name,“ says one commenter.

“You might want to follow up with something like it’s a beautiful sounding word with a lot of mystery and depth, it’s just that the lamp brought that word to your mind.” While this might be too little too late for poor Shaide, others’ couldn’t help but have a bit of fun with the whole bedroom furniture idea and suggest more. One cheeky poster wrote: �.