As a resident of Springfield, Ohio, I am saddened by the rhetoric being spread after the presidential debate between and . I don't usually comment publicly on politics as I feel it is a personal decision and everyone has the right to their own opinions and to vote for the person they think is the best candidate. More importantly, I don't believe our politics should be played out like a reality TV show.

However, this isn't just about politics anymore, it's about people's lives—and I can't stay silent. My husband and I met in Okinawa, Japan while on active duty in the Air Force. I am originally from Texas, and he was born in Washington and grew up in California.

Between us, we have lived in and visited more than half of the states in the U.S. and about a dozen countries spread across four continents.

We are well-versed in being the outsiders of a community or in a place where you are unfamiliar with the culture and don't speak the language. We have always viewed it as an opportunity to learn about other people and to grow as individuals. So, when I received a job opportunity, we packed up and moved the family to Ohio, a state we had never visited before.

We spent time getting used to the differences living in Ohio as opposed to our previous home in Tucson, Arizona. We gradually fell in love and decided to stay and put down roots. In the process of searching for our new home, we came across Springfield, Ohio.

We found a beautiful home on an idyllic street and decided we had fo.