If you have kids, you know that everyone and their mother has a strong opinion when it comes to parenting. Well, Redditor Sukari1970 said, "What’s an unpopular parenting opinion that you stand by?" Here are some controversial parenting opinions that people are totally on board with. 2.

"It's okay to negotiate with your kids. If they don't want to do something or want to do something a different way, I hear them out. And often reconsider.

" — C5H2A7 4. "Doing everything for your child is doing them a huge disservice. Allow them to navigate social situations on their own.

Allow them to feel and learn from the natural consequences of their actions. Don't swoop in to help them and take away discomfort. Let them make mistakes.

Not allowing your child to do any of these things creates anxious children, which, in turn, creates anxious adults. For example, did they get up late for school and didn't have time to make lunch? Then they go hungry. Did they ignore your advice and not take the proper jacket? Then they were cold.

Obviously, this is all within reason, but much of the time, parents always try to remove any minor discomfort, and that prevents kids from learning." — sardonicazzhole 5. "In the summer or during holidays I don't care how late my kids stay up, as long as they're quiet and not making a mess.

" — nochickflickmoments 8. "Talk to kids about tough topics like death, sex, and money (of course, in an age-appropriate way). A lot of explanations about death can actual.