When it comes to feeding the family, it can be a big challenge. Not only do you want to find something healthy and nutritious, but the food you cook also needs to fit into your household budget. And there's always the fear that after putting in the effort, the kids won't eat it.

This means that lots of busy parents often fall into the same trap of making the same dishes over and over. That's why shows such as Jamie's £1 Wonders And Money Saving Meals hosted by Jamie Oliver are so appealling. And reporter Emma Gill admits she was transfixed by his skills.

"Seeing him throw together the most delicious looking homemade kebabs and flatbreads in no time at all - I'm suddenly inspired to do something about it.", she wrote. The Essex-born chef soon encouraged Emma to get into the kitchen: "'Why buy flatbreads when they're so cheap and easy to make?' asks Oliver, and for some deluded reason I actually believe him.

", Emma admitted. "Inspired by the speed of his creation and the money-saving mantra, I decide to pull the ingredients together and give these a go. While not one of the £1 a head meals, this particular 'fakeaway' is described as a money-saver.

" But Emma soon discovered the meal would be pricier than she thought: "Now I'm not quite sure where Jamie is doing his weekly food shop, but to call this a money-saving meal, it seems he must have gone shopping in 1989. Certainly not in the current cost of living crisis. "I buy the ingredients from various stores, but even getting e.