After spending the better part of the past 20 years cranking out live-action Transformers movies , the franchise has finally returned to its animated roots with the critically acclaimed Transformers One . The prequel, which explores the friends-to-enemies relationship shared by Optimus Prime and Megatron, is one of the most fun 2024 movie experiences I’ve had all year, and while watching it, I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I really want to see an animated Beast Machines film. For those who don’t remember, Beast Machines was a 1999 sequel series to the similarly titled 1996 animated show Beast Wars , and it further explorss the tireless battle between the Maximals (essentially animal forms of Autobots) and Predacons (descendants of the Decepticons).

And while I would love to see a proper Beast Wars movie after Transformers : Rise of the Beasts left more to be desired , my thoughts just keep going back to Beast Machines and its wild story set in a deserted, desolate, and eerie Cybertron. Don’t worry, I won’t be spoiling anything about Transformers One , but I will be going into the nitty gritty of this 25-year-old Saturday morning cartoon. While Watching Transformers One, I Kept Thinking About Beast Machines' Version Of Cybertron Beast Machines picks up after the events of Beast Wars in which the Maximals – Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Blackarachnia, and Rattrap – defeated Megatron and the Predacons.

.. or so they think.

Upon returning to Cybertron, the heroes .