I am not here to grieve but celebrate and honor the life of one of the strongest women I have ever known. This will be long but a lot of details have been omitted. I first met Pat in early October of 1978 in San Francisco.

My patrol partner was dating one of her house mates and I was invited to come over and hang out. Pat came in, we were introduced, then she sat on the couch with a paperback and didn’t say half a dozen words to me that whole night. But we started dating and I fell in love with her.

I was transferring to Germany so I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I flew her out to Iowa and we were married on the 17 th of December. In January I left for Germany and was able to get her over in March so we had a three year honeymoon in Europe.

Saw a lot of concerts, carnivals, festivals, and historical sites and we had our favorite Gasthous We came back to San Francisco in 1982 and settled into her child hood home. She got a job as a medical secretary to an orthopedic surgeon and she got real good at it. She could fill in the blanks and omissions from the doctor’s transcription, correct errors and talk to them in their language.

Later, in 1988 we moved to Vallejo. Her heart attack in 2001 was just the beginning. Luckily she was sitting in an exam room at the ER when it happened.

Doctors were worried about brain function because she had been dead for so long and when she did come back, short term memory was shot and she just wasn’t quite the same person she was. T.