DEAR DEIDRE: DRESSING up in sexy costumes and indulging in a little role play used to be my favourite way to get up close and personal with my previous partner – but my new boyfriend will have nothing to do with it. He says that we’re not kids going to fancy-dress parties and accuses me of being ridiculous. He’s really upset me.

If I’m honest, if we can’t have fun in the bedroom I’m not sure our relationship can last. I’m 32 and he’s 35. We’ve been together for eight months and until this I really thought we might have a future together.

It’s weird that he’s not budging on this because he isn’t unadventurous – we’ve tried different sex toys, had sex in lots of different places and positions, but this is strictly off-limits. A couple of weeks ago, I managed to persuade him to let me dress up in my favourite sexy secretary outfit and I asked him to remain in his work suit. Get in touch with the Dear Deidre team Every problem gets a personal reply from one of our trained counsellors.

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uk He seemed fine with that so I suggested we try my favourite nurse costume next. I wanted him to lie in bed and pretend he was ill – nothing too out there. But his reaction really confused me.

He said it was ridiculous, I was ridiculous and he wasn’t .