Protein bars. Raw fruit and nuts. Vegetables cut into batons.

Kate Ng knows these are better snacks for you than a packet of chocolate-covered digestives, but can anything stop them from inspiring a deep well of sadness whenever they’re nearby? Healthy snacks aren't always the most exciting Over the past year, I’ve spent quite a lot of time examining my eating habits. Did I know what was going into my food? Was I buying too many takeaways? What tempts me the most? This deep dive into what I eat was largely prompted by the conversation and research around ultra-processed foods, which in recent months has become public enemy number one. I like to think I eat fairly healthily, balancing out the occasional pub grub and instant noodles (Maggi, I’ll never give you up) with plenty of home-cooked food.

After speaking to gut health guru Professor Tim Spector earlier this year for an article, I decided to see how many plants I ate within a week — in line with his advice about eating 30 plants a week. I felt smug for a few days after I counted 26 plants by the time Wednesday arrived..