Many of the best treadmills are expensive machines that often cost over $2,000, so I’m always on the lookout for budget treadmills that offer a realistic alternative for runners. The DeerRun A1 Pro Folding Treadmill is a good budget treadmill and if you are aware of its limitations and happy to work with them, it could save you a lot of money. However, those limitations might well put you off.
The small running belt is too short for running at faster speeds if you’re tall, the incline setting is manual, and to fold the treadmill up you have to use an Allen key. The partner PitPat app is also poor and I have concerns about the machine’s durability if you plan to run on it several times a week. That’s a lot of negatives, but the treadmill did stand up to my heavy use fairly well during testing, and with the price being so low I still think the DeerRun A1 Pro is worth considering for newer runners using it a couple of times a week, or walkers.
In my DeerRun A1 Pro Folding Treadmill review I’ll explain who it might suit and how it differs from more expensive machines. DeerRun A1 Pro Folding Treadmill review: price and availability The DeerRun A1 Pro Folding Treadmill is available in three colors and has a list price of $459 in the U.S.
and £499 in the U.K., but you will rarely have to pay that price either on the DeerRun website or third-party retailers like Amazon, because the treadmill is almost always reduced.
It’s the cheapest treadmill I’ve tested and the firs.