Jesus Christ is the greatest who ever lived. The Bible declares him to be the one who created all things, and that all things are held together by him. We read in the Gospel narratives, that he calmed the storms, cast out demons, healed the sick, forgave sins, fed multitudes with a little lunch, demonstrated and revealed God to a world in need.

The gospels also let us know that Jesus would step away and pray to the father many times. It is recorded that, alone, he would spend all night in prayer or rise early in the morning to go pray. The one who created all things while here on this earth was a man of prayer.

Did he not tell Peter, “I have prayed for you?” He knew that Peter was getting ready to face a great test and he prayed for him to make it through that test and be able to help other believers. Imagine the confidence that one would have knowing that it was Jesus who was praying for them. The Bible is very clear that that is exactly what Jesus is doing for us now.

It records that “He ever lives to make intercession for the Saints.” Jesus Christ is praying for us right now. I have heard stories from the past where children would come into the house to hear their mother in another room, lifting them up in prayer.

The effect of this was very convicting, and also revealed the great love that the parent has for their children. If we could go now to where Jesus is in the heavenly realm, we would find him there praying for us. Oh, what confidence! Oh, what love is reve.