PROMINENT dark circles were dramatically reduced when a woman made simple changes to her daily routine. The 50-year-old of Danish ancestry said her genetics played a huge role in how dark the skin around her eyes looked compared to the rest of her face. She shared the habits that transformed her appearance in a post on Reddit’s 30 Plus Skincare forum, which has almost 2 million members.

UNDER-EYE HEALERS She wrote in response to a user asking for tips on how to get rid of dark circles they had under their eyes since they were a teenager. “I have big eye sockets and thin skin so my under eyes are noticeably darker due to structural shadows and thin pale skin,” she said, writing under the handle TelephoneTag2123 . “Cutting out alcohol and caffeine has helped immensely.

Read more beauty tips “I also have an LED mask and I noticed the red light does help a bit.” She revealed that her under-eyes also improved when she began to use an acne medication proven to have anti-aging benefits. She said slathering her skin in a “super fine layer of petroleum jelly,” also known as slugging is a staple in her nighttime routine.

“I use tretinoin, and the days that I slug my under eyes look better,” she said. Most read in Hair & Beauty “And I always use otc [over-the-counter] nasal steroids like Flonase. If I forget any of these I see the difference.

” RELATABLE PROBLEM Many people upvoted the post and the person who started the discussion thanked her for the advice. “T.