As a beauty editor who specialises in all things perfume and fragrance, over many years of speaking with the best perfumers, working with the brains behind some of the world’s top perfume houses and interacting with fragrance consumers every single day, I have developed some sort of psychic power. I can sniff out a classic scent from a mile away, I can tell what sort of perfume a person might like after spending just a few minutes with them and, most importantly in my line of work, I can predict what new fragrances will become cult bestsellers before they even hit the shelves—and I’ve just met the latest future icon in Palatine. What is it that makes Palatine so exceptional (and the reason I it is destined for greatness)? Well, beyond the fact it ignites conversation with almost every person who crosses my path whenever I wear it, Parfums de Marly Palatine has a number of important attributes that set it apart from other beautiful perfumes out there.

Palatine possesses a certain je ne sais quoi that positions it firmly in cult status territory. So much so, in fact, that I truly believe it will be one of the most talked-about perfumes of the year—and is going to want in on it. Here’s why.

.. Before we get into exactly what Palatine smells like, it is crucial that you have some backstory on it to truly understand what we’re working with here.

For starters, it’s important to know that Parfums de Marly has a history of producing luxury cult fragrances. You might, for.