Absolutely. Everyone feels it is something that came naturally to me, but it was quite a challenge. Bae is very high on energy, very over-the-top, and is not someone I know.

She functions on another level as if she is inhabiting a different world and has created her own reality. That was challenging because I also had to make her believable. She has this sense of conviction in everything she does, whether it is talking to her bags or the fridge.

So as Ananya, no matter how ridiculous I found it, I had to fully believe in what she was doing. The comedy, especially, was a tough one to navigate, because her reactions seemed so extravagant. I had to get those beats right on point.

For sure. When Bae enters a room, people have preconceived notions about her. That perception changes when people get to know her.

I guess that is true for my journey as well. It has taken people some time to notice me for the kind of work I am capable of. I think everything has happened at the right time, and am happy that I went through the journey I did.

This aspect was a huge draw as it gave me so much more to chew on. In a way, the audience is going through an entire journey with Bae. I think as a young actor, that’s a gratifying feeling to have.

But, it didn’t matter to me that this was a series because when the script came to me, I told myself that irrespective of the format, I had to do this because of how well-rounded the character was. The show, in a tongue-in-cheek manner, also makes seve.