Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now A young mum has made an emotional sunscreen plea after her shock skin cancer diagnosis. Beauty expert, Roisin Doherty, says she had herself "dead and buried" after learning a small spot on her face was in fact basal cell carcinoma. With an NHS waiting list of "around two years" to be seen by a consultant in Northern Ireland the mother of three says she was lucky that she could go private for her diagnosis.

But after chemo treatment that left her unable to get out of bed some days and her face with what felt like third degree burns, the Co Tyrone woman is now on a mission to educate people about the importance of wearing sun protection cream every day. READ MORE: NI mum opens up on her baby's health issues after spending weeks in hospital READ MORE: Young NI woman diagnosed with cancer while pregnant welcomes baby boy In an emotional interview at her Coalisland home, Roisin, 31, shared her story in the hopes it will prompt others to protect themselves from harmful UV rays. She said: "Whenever you hear that word 'cancer'.

.. no matter if it's serious or it's not so serious, the first thing we think about as a human being is death.

" The small mark at the root of it all had been on Roisin's face for about two years, but after asking her social media followers about it, she was prompted to raise the issue with her GP as she had "that gut feeling...

this is something more seriou.