VIRUSES and diseases we once associated with tropical climates are increasingly cropping up in Europe. These include West Nile virus, dengue fever and even malaria. For example, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control reported transmission of West Nile virus in eight European countries.

There are no vaccines against these viruses – the best thing you can do is to protect yourself from mosquito bites, even though the risk of catching a tropical virus is deemed low. Preventing bug bites while on holiday will avoid itching or swelling, too. A good-quality insect repellent is one that contains at least 20-50 per cent DEET, details of which you will find on the bottle.

READ MORE FROM DR ZOE This ingredient prevents bugs such as mosquitoes from landing on you. DEET can be bought from high-street chemists, camping shops and online. Travel-size bottles can be kept in your handbag.

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Here’s what readers have asked me this week. . .

Most read in Health Hip gyp from standing still Q) I AM 78 and have a similar problem to the reader in your Sun on Sunday column on August 11 about hip wear and tear. I have had an X-ray and was told it is mild arthritis. I had a triple bypass 47 years ago and hold the Guinness World Record for longest-surviving triple heart bypass patient.

I play walking football twice a week, a little golf and can ride my racing bike up a steep hill. What does surprise me, though, is the bike ride does not seem.