The are upon us, and the entire city is buzzing with delight...

and so many questions. Can I still ? as a commentator? And what is the Olympic Village actually like ? The first is unfortunately no, the second has a more in-depth explanation , and the last we investigated ourselves. You’ve heard about all the at previous Olympic Games, and with this year’s intimacy ban lift and choice by the IOC to to the athletes (available in the resident centers and med clinics at the Village, for any 2024 Olympians taking notes!), it seems the City of Love is grounds for the most epic Olympic Village experience ever.

“They are competing so hard, so at the end of it all, they have the right to enjoy themselves and enjoy Paris,” empathized Laurent Michaud, director of the Olympic Village, to . As 's Olympics correspondent, I recently toured the Olympic Village to check out its really cool sustainability features and also ask all hard-hitting questions like “are they ?” and “can I jump on one to test it out?” Here's what I learned. The Village had sort of a sleepy business district vibe pre-Games—which is actually a big deal since the area used to be a —but things livened up quickly once the athletes started arriving in mid-July.

The Village is equipped with enough rooms to house more than 15,000 athletes during the Games, a childcare facility, and all the International Olympic Committee requirements to make it an Olympic Village (i.e., a barbershop, nail salon, sports lou.