THERE are a lot of ways to get the ick in the early days of dating but one woman may have found an entirely unique reason to dump a man. She revealed that she wasn't able to get past her date's brother's name . In a Reddit post , user Infinite_Stick3251 shared the unnamed woman's reaasoning for dipping out on her date.

The woman explained that her issue actually had nothing to do with the man she was seeing. In fact, her reason for calling it quits was something entirely out of his control. But according to the woman, it was bad enough to warrant ghosting her date.

Read More On Unique Names "Sorry to admit that I ghosted a Belgian guy after a few dates because I found out he had a brother name Semen," she shared. While it obviously had nothing to do with her developing relationship, she revealed that she was unable to look past the unique moniker. "I just couldn’t face becoming associated with that, however distantly, in any way," she explained.

While semen is a term for genital fluid in English-speaking countries, it does not have the same connotation in some parts of Eastern Europe. Most read in Fabulous Despite this, some non-native English speakers have opted to change either their name or their child's to avoid the sexual association. One woman even went about changing her three-year-old son's name after learning about the English meaning.

"In our country, this word does not have the meaning it has in English - sperm," the Redditor explained. However, she was faced wit.