Stretched out on the rooftop of the 13th century defence tower where I’m spending the night, the wind whistling wildly around me, I’m almost tempted to abandon my bedroom – as luxurious as it is – and sleep under the stars. With its sweeping vistas in all directions, the tower is akin to Sleeping Beauty’s castle turret, except that this fairy tale is real life. Meanwhile, with the promise of exploring the 1,300-acre estate the next day looming in my mind, I’m firmly wide awake.

Sir Richard Branson has had his pick of Majorcan hotels, yet he liked Son Bunyola so much he bought it twice – and it’s not hard to see why. He didn’t have to wait quite 100 years to complete the fairy tale and make this residence his own, but the red tape certainly took a few decades. Although he originally purchased the ancient finca in the 1990s, it had to be sold again in 2002 due to planning permission struggles.

However, he never gave up on the UNESCO World Heritage Site, which he described as the last totally unspoilt stretch of land on the entire island – and in 2015 he bought it back. It wasn’t until 2023 that he finally realised his dream of transforming the rugged beauty spot into a five-star hotel – but it was well worth the wait. Comprising a 16th century estate complete with its own fertile vineyards and boasting mountain, ocean and farmland views from every corner, it is accented by a medieval defence tower dating back to 300 years earlier – the tower suite I ca.