There are hallowed halls that fans of the James Bond movies need to visit when paying tribute to the films and books. As rich as the legacy of this entertainment franchise is, there’s a very present real world history connecting the world of fiction to the man who started it all. After visiting one of Ian Fleming’s old hangouts in London, the iconic Dukes Bar in Mayfair, I have to say that it’s a must see for any 007 aficionado, especially as we wait for updates to everything we know about Bond 26 .

Dukes Bar, And Its Place In James Bond History The huge milestone that is shared between this drinking establishment and Commander Bond himself comes from the very fact that this is one of the Casino Royale author’s old haunts. Per the official Dukes Bar website, that patronage had the following effect on the texts: Frequently visited by James Bond author Ian Fleming, the legendary Dukes Bar is said to be the inspiration for the classic line ‘shaken, not stirred’. That is one of, if not the catchphrase that audiences worldwide use as shorthand to identify James Bond.

So this part of Dukes Hotel, which started operations in 1908, is something that had a profound effect on the Bond canon. Which is exactly why, on a recent trip to London for some classified business of my own, I stopped by to take in the experience for myself. Why Dukes Bar Is A Must Visit For Any James Bond Fan If there are two words that sum up the world of modern London, and by extension Dukes Bar, the.