Experienced Australian swimmer Duncan Roberts came across a mysterious creature while trying to swim across the Scottish Loch Ness. According to the man, when he was in the middle of the reservoir, he felt a strong impact from the depths. The 39-year-old Australian told What's the Jam about it.

He noted that the lake has an unsurpassed view, but its atmosphere is very disturbing. The man posted a video of the extreme swim on his YouTube channel . "There is some weird energy at play in that water.

And during my swim I experienced a bump half way across," the Australian said. According to Duncan Roberts, when he was in the waters of Loch Ness, he kept his eyes closed at all times. The dark color of the lake, the great depth and the low temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius made him feel afraid.

The man admitted that although he did not see any creature with his own eyes, the thought of a monster immediately flashed through his mind. "I was focused on getting across as quickly as possible so the hit was a shock. I was already nervous enough before the swim.

If I knew something was going to bump into me halfway across I would definitely have been having second thoughts," the swimmer said. Duncan Roberts has been involved in extreme sports for a long time. He said that in Australia, he constantly swims on a surfboard, and sometimes with white sharks.

However, overcoming the Scottish loch turned out to be the most daunting challenge. "It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever.