Beau Paul Trending You might not know it but if your Toyota has racked up over 400,000 miles you are in an exclusive club. All you have to do to claim your rights is reach out to the Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer for your official acknowledgment. That’s what Corolla owner and self-described “Handsome Dad” (@ ) did when he saw that his odometer had tipped out over 428,000 miles.

He received his award in the mail—but viewers of his celebratory TikTok video say he should get more. Al posted , captioned, “Thanks @Toyota for the badge and reliable cars. 2011 Toyota Corolla with 428k miles and counting,” yesterday and it’s already racked up over 67,500 views.

In it, he proudly displays his new —a sticker that can be displayed in his Corolla’s window proudly proclaiming him as a member of the 400,000 mileage club. Al draws his camera up to the vehicle before proclaiming, “So, my beautiful baby right here has 426 ..

. 428,000 miles. I messaged Toyota and they sent me this,” he states, showing off the sticker, still on its backing paper, to the camera.

The sicker states plainly, “ 400,000 mileage club.” Al reveals, “I plan on having this car until next summer, 2025. Unless Toyota wanna give me a new Corolla but my 2011 Toyota Corolla has made the 400,00 mile club.

” Al then shows the sticker newly affixed to his driver-side back window. “Official badge” he states, laughing. He then confesses, “When I bought the car I honestly didn’t.