“One of our regular customers often jokes with us that we are her therapy, as it’s much cheaper!” Growing up, Aaron Barclay always knew he wanted to work in the hospitality industry. Admittedly “very much a people person” and a lover of all things food – always baking and cooking in his spare time – the 22-year-old has worked at various north-east firms in the field. He is currently the manager at Kintore’s The Hummingbird Café, which can be found within The Residence, relishing the role from the get go.

The Hummingbird Café has ‘created a real community hub’ Aaron, who is also referred to as Mr Hummingbird, grew up in Kintore but recently moved to Bucksburn. He is part of a close-knit team of three at The Hummingbird Café, which was founded by Rebecca Carr in August 2020. According to Rebecca, “Aaron has been running the show since day one.

” “I love being able to come to work every day and enjoy being there, seeing what everyone is up to and being a part of peoples’ daily routine,” says Aaron, as he shares his experience of working at the Kintore business. The highlights keep pouring in. “Having the trust and support of Rebecca whilst growing the café together, being able to implement new ideas and menus, and watch as they gain popularity amongst our customers.

“I feel blessed to have built up a really good relationship with a lot of our customers who keep supporting us and coming back for more!” Rebecca added: “With having the w.