WHEN comedian Michelle Brasier boarded the plane home after performing at Edinburgh Fringe, she never imagined what was to come. In September 2022, the Australian comic had settled in for the seven hour flight from Edinburgh, to her stopover in Washington DC. After a successful run at the world famous comedy festival, Michelle was riding on a high without a care in the world.

“I’d had a wonderful time doing comedy and tripping over cobblestones,” she says. “I was sitting in a window seat watching a documentary about pandas, when I became aware of the turbulence we were in. “There was a storm outside and the plane was being thrown about.

" Read More on Real Lives Michelle explains that the turbulence then became so bad that the plane felt 'like the cow in Twister.' The pilot announced the plane would be making an emergency landing, as the storm was too dangerous, but as the aircraft attempted to land it totally lost control. The plane bounced, the pilot missed the runway and the plane was forced to launch back into the air.

Michelle, who was sat by the wing, recalls: "I watched it through my window. Most read in Fabulous “The plane struggled against the pull and then it took back off into the air. We were back in the storm.

“The turbulence was violent and there were passengers calling desperately from ahead of me for a doctor, but I couldn't see what was happening up there." Michelle says she was, at that point, surprised she could hear anything - as the noise of .