Dear Eva, I was with my ex for two years; we broke up last February. Since then, I’ve tried dating, but nobody even comes close to making me feel the way he did. We haven’t spoken for more than eight months, but I follow his life closely on social media, etc, so I know he’s not seeing anyone seriously now.

I’ve just got home from another drink with another boring guy who didn’t ask me anything about my life or even seem to listen when I told him about the books and culture I’m interested in. I’m wondering whether it was a sign I should give my ex another chance. Nobody else seems to understand me properly, or make me feel as smart or interesting.

I initiated the break-up, but now I can’t stop thinking about him. So..

. Should I give him a call? SB Got a question for Eva? Drop her an email, here: AskEva @ condenast . co .

uk. Dear SB, There is both frustration and comfort in ruminating on an ex. Frustration because it acts as a sort of erotic carousel, where you go round and round in constant motion, never moving forward.

And comfort because it is the stuff of memory, clean and preserved: details from one early morning when he brought you toast in bed, or a holiday when you watched Blade Runner and it rained all week, photographs fixed in your mind that you can return to like a favourite song. Comfort, also, because you can choose where in that relationship you want to return to, ignoring, say, the three months you spent furiously breaking up or the fight about .