Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Trey Colley, an entrepreneur who left school to become a YouTube star, found himself living it up in Las Vegas in a sprawling mansion as he made his millions. He splurged out on exotic jungle cats that set him back £15,000 each, partied with celebrities, and whizzed around in a £115,000 sportscar, all before his 21sr birthday. Now 24, Trey boasts over 600,000 followers - but came from a not-so-typical social media star background, growing up on a farm in Virginia, US and set to follow a traditional career path.

But at 20, despite being a sports captain with a college scholarship lined-up, he took a gamble to chase his dreams in the world of social media. "I had a full-ride to college, I was captain of the soccer team, had a 4.0 GPA but I still decided to drop out to chase my dreams," Trey said.

"I soon became the arguably most successful self-made person of my age from my hometown of Virginia Beach. I had my dream car, was living between LA and Las Vegas, and was eyeing up a luxurious oceanfront property for sale." He continued: "Living with exotic jungle cats in mansions, partying with influencers and beautiful girls, having the freedom to travel around the world, never having to hesitate on going out to eat or shopping – it felt like a movie.

"My dad is someon.