Attending a good friend's wedding is so exciting – and it's a real honour to be present for their nuptials as they prove their love for each other. The food is fantastic, the drinks are flowing, and the vibes are positive thanks to the celebratory atmosphere. But when one woman and her husband were excited to "let loose" and the wedding turned out to be a sober one, the pair of them did a runner.

"My husband and I don't have a tonne of time to ourselves away from the kids so we were excited to let loose", the woman admitted on Reddit's 'Am I The A**hole' forum. She explained: "On the invitation, it said the wedding went to 11 with an after party with the bride and groom at the venue. The venue was a gorgeous mansion and the bride and groom had it for the night, they were leaving for the honeymoon the next morning.

" But things went downhill for the attendees when it turned out to be "a dry wedding". "Apparently the groom is two years sober. No one told us this and we were admittedly bummed", she explained.

The wedding guest added: "When we found out there was no alcohol we told people we were going to some bars after and not going to the after party. We left the wedding at 9:30pm because we were itching to go out and the wedding was boring." The bride was fuming, and called their friendship group "a**holes for leaving", as a load of them left to go out together.

"She said that she didn't feel supported and felt like we were spiting her now husband for his sobriety. I told he.