Like most people, when I realise the kitchen floor is a bit grubby I shuffle over to the hallway cupboard and dig out my mop and bucket. These were of course the cheapest mop and bucket I could find. I then proceed to mop the floor with a dab of washing up liquid because I never worked out where to buy floor cleaner.

OK, so maybe you’re not as slovenly as this. But living in a flat with lino on the kitchen floor, tiles in the bathroom and wood in the hallways means I’ve more hard floor than carpet. Keeping them clean can be a bit of a faff, but when I do mop I notice just how much grime builds up that our vacuum cleaner simply can’t deal with.

So, when Dyson asked if I wanted to test its new WashG1 - its new high-tech wet floor cleaner - I wondered if it would make me appreciate that mopping floors is a fine art that we need the latest gadgets to truly conquer, or if I was a lazy millennial who simply needed to clean his flat more often than basically never. I think the truth lies somewhere in between. The WashG1 is a heavy vacuum cleaner-like device but it doesn’t suck up debris at all.

Instead, you load a litre of water from the tap into one of the tanks and leave the other empty. Take the G1 off the charging unit and click it on and two microfibre rollers churn into action, deploying a fine film of water as you roll the unit over your floors. There are three sensitivity levels, with the highest deploying the most vigorous rolling and volume of water.

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