ASHLEY Cain is no stranger to sacrifice having pushed his body to the limit time and again to raise money and awareness for his charitable foundation. But his latest record-breaking feat was that much tougher as it took him away from his baby son for nearly three months. Ashley could only see seven month old Aliyas over Facetime as he took on a gruelling ultraman challenge that saw him become the first man to run, cycle and kayak from John O'Groats to Land's End back to back.

The doting dad, who took on the mammoth task in memory of daughter Azaylia, travelled nearly 3,000 miles in total and raised close to £200,000 for The Azaylia Foundation, which supports families of children with cancer. Ashley and ex-girlfriend Safiyya Vorajee set up the foundation after Azaylia's passing from leukaemia three years ago aged just eight months. He was given a hero's welcome as he crossed the finish line last Saturday, but his attention immediately turned to reuniting with his seven-month-old son.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, he said: "Missing my son, I used to have to try and finish the run, the cycle or the kayak early enough to try and Facetime him, but even that was a rare occasion. "So I just had to have the faith that I was doing the right thing for my daughter. And she was my hero.

"So hopefully I could be his hero by pushing through in the process. So that's why I had faith in me." Most would assume Ashley is now putting his feet up and spending a few days or weeks relax.