Actor Gayathri Suresh recently stirred up attention by expressing her desire to marry Pranav Mohanlal. However, during a recent appearance on a private channel show, she expressed her feelings. Gayathri explained that while she admires Pranav and his family, she doesn’t genuinely wish to marry him.

She mentioned that she enjoyed a video of Lalettan’s mother’s birthday celebration and reflected, “I desire a family like that. My admiration for Pranav and Lalettan is a major reason.” When it comes to her own thoughts on marriage, Gayathri stated, “Right now, I’m not thinking about it at all.

” She shared that her mother often asks if she plans to get married, but it hasn’t really crossed her mind. “I just want to meet the right person; that’s enough for me. I’m not interested in arranged marriages,” she added.

She also stated her perspective on relationships, saying, “If I like someone and enjoy spending time with them, that doesn’t mean they are my entire world.”.