The weekly food shop is an expensive task in the cost of living crisis - but one savvy mum has shared how she’s slashed her food bill in half. Nicola Richardson, who has two children and works full time in the education sector, says she’s cut her food bill in half using some simple and actionable tricks and tips. Nicola, 37, from the North East, shares her top budget cooking tips on YouTube .

Her top tips include writing detailed shopping lists, weighing out ingredients, shopping for yellow sticker reduced goods and using apps to bag free food. She told money-saving community

uk : "Life is busy! I feed me and my two children on £45 a week. At one point it was nearer £100 so I’ve pretty much cut our food bill in half. "I plan all my meals every week , shopping from what I have in already.

I write a list so that I don’t buy things I don’t need . This really helps with impulse shopping as well! “Buying cheaper cuts of meat and more vegetarian options automatically makes this cheaper. Weighing out ingredients so you don't use too much also helps.

" Nicola also advises keeping an eye out for yellow sticker items, which means the food is reduced. However, she said: "Only buy it if you will actually use it though." She added: "Definitely meal plan and write a shopping list - planning on what you're eating and then writing a shopping list means you are less likely to impulse buy and buy things that you don't need which end up being thrown away.

"If you can.