Calling all Whispering Angel fans...

Aldi has launched its very own take on the famous boujee rosé with a far cheaper price tag. But how does it compare to the real deal? Anyone who has enjoyed an ice-cool glass of luxury rosé will know how much it screams summer. It's a firm favourite for sophisticated alfresco dinner s catching up with pals (or maybe not-so-sophisticated by the time you pop the second bottle).

It's also become a staple for glam brunches across the country. After all, what's a boozy girl's day out without taking a snap of your bottle of Whispering Angel chilling over ice? Did it really happen unless it made it onto Insta? The It-Girl tipple has a huge celebrity following too - even Adele loves it. Whispering Angel is so popular that it's been credited with the resurgence of the rosé wine category in recent years, but for those who really don't want to fork out a touch under £20 on some vino, Aldi has pulled through once again with its Chassaux et Fils Saint Victoire Provence Rosé.

But how does the viral dupe fare against the OG? I had the hard task of finding out on a warm July afternoon...

Now I wouldn't say I'm much of a wine connoisseur, or anywhere near to ever being a sommelier, but I do enjoy a glass of rosé and with Whispering Angel being my favourite, it was going to be tricky to convert me to another. Aldi's Chassaux et Fils Saint Victoire Provence Rosé costs just £12.49.

Aldi is known for its impressive array of wines, with many winni.