ELEANOR Flegg, 56, is an author and lives in Dublin with husband Jasper Wood, 43, a special needs assistant at a primary school. Here, she reveals her battle with face blindness - which has no treatment and affects one in 33 people. Seeing the handsome stranger smiling at me, I blushed.

I’d been walking near my house when I’d locked eyes with a good-looking cyclist across the road. Then, as he got off his bike and walked towards me, I realised that it wasn’t a flirty stranger – it was my husband Jasper, who I’d known for 23 years. Growing up, I felt different and awkward in so many ways.

My struggle to recognise people was just one part of that, but it definitely impacted me. Secondary school was often overwhelming because, with everyone in uniform, I couldn’t recognise people by their clothes. READ MORE IN FABULOUS I frequently had conversations with someone, only to discover they were someone else, which was awkward.

Once, when I was 15, I didn’t even recognise my own face in a photo, and thought it was a boy I had a crush on instead! When I was in university , I went on a weekend away with a group that included a former boyfriend. At least, I was almost certain he was the same person I’d gone out with as a teenager, but I couldn’t exactly ask him, so I spent the whole weekend avoiding him. Most read in Fabulous During my first marriage , I didn’t struggle to recognise my sons Vanya, born in 1992, and Turlough, born in 1996, when they were young.

But bei.