Folks, the upcoming 2025 movies slate is pretty stocked with delights at the moment. However, I think we could all agree that if Guillermo del Toro ’s Frankenstein adaptation hits Netflix in the year to come, there’s easily room to get hyped about this title. That being said, I’m kind of worried about the Academy Award-winning director’s sleep schedule, as he’s been obsessed with hunting ghosts in his spare time.

Though on the plus side, I can’t get enough of the results, which have been shared on social media by del Toro himself. This story started not too long ago thanks to this initial thread of tweets and the phenomenon they describe: I love Scotland- and, even when my links to it are not by bloodline, I feel close to it. My mother's family side, has lineage going to Ireland- the O'Colligan family.

My Grandfather (after whom I am named) was Guillermo Gomez O'Colligan. August 20, 2024 Reading these messages reminds me of Guillermo del Toro’s UFO encounter story that he shared with James Cameron a couple years back. The man is without question a true believer when it comes to phenomena from both beyond the stars and the veil of morality.

So when posts like this come up, and future updates have del Toro claiming to sleep in another room to escape that presence, I definitely pay attention. Of course, the man who helped bring us Crimson Peak isn’t going to totally stay away from this mysterious presence. That led to this further turn being shared by Guillermo d.