Erin Reaney’s love for telling stories started when she was young. Even before she could write, she would scribble gibberish on a piece of paper, and read it out loud to her parents, other family or just about anyone who would listen. During her childhood, Erin’s love for writing continued to grow as she wrote all types of stories.

In her diaries, she could transform her feelings into words. Notebook pages filled with stories and paragraphs of her daily life. As she grew into adolescence, she discovered a new kind of writing: poetry.

Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickinson have become some of her inspirations. She has written over a hundred poems that she hopes to one day publish as a collection. Erin is a senior at Reynolds High School with an immense passion for writing and a special place in her heart for poetry.

It all started with one notebook, filled with poems about what she’s going through, observing life and then writing beautiful poetry on the lined pages. She sees poetry as an escape. “I bleed emotions through my poetry,” Erin said.

A goal she hopes to accomplish with her writing is helping people. She was hooked on the idea of becoming a journalist, allowing her to make a living out of her first love in writing. Her dream is to write travel stories, which she discovered by reading National Geographic magazines.

Erin hopes to capture important world issues, and how they affect the quality of life of people in her articles. Yet she is able and willing to write ab.