Jack Alban Trending A new owner is thankful he bought his “fancy shmancy” new vehicle because it showed him the dangers of vaping in real time. user Sheldon (@thisdadtiktoks) heaped boatloads of praise on his car’s , which details particulate matter both inside and outside of the car. In his video, he expresses his surprise at seeing the particulate matter count skyrocket after a vape is hit in his ride.

However, numerous TikTokers say his comprehension of the system’s figures isn’t wholly formed. “Mercedes Benz PROVES Vaping is bad,” a text overlay reads at the top of Sheldon’s video. He begins his clip by speaking directly into the camera with a concerned look on his face.

“Oh my God, I just got a new fancy shmancy Mercedes,” he narrates, panning his camera around. The car appears to have a high-end, luxurious interior. It’s sporting white leather seats and a large-screen infotainment system.

“My Mercedes just, oh my God I can’t even talk,” the creator says. Immediately, his clip transitions to him holding a green nicotine vape bar up to the camera. “Do you want proof that vaping is bad for you? Let me show you something.

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send this to everybody you know. Oh my God.” Next, his clip’s focus is on the car’s infotainment system.

Sheldon shows it off as he discusses the vehicle’s air filtration capabilities. “OK so my new Mercedes has a HEPA..

.filtration system.” He compares the functionality to an operatin.