Snubbing a hot and humid August afternoon in Kolkata, Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor took a tram ride with her co-actor Rajkummar Rao as the duo promoted their upcoming Hindi horror-comedy film Stree 2, a sequel to the 2018 release Stree. In the middle of her tight schedule in the city, Shraddha goes candid with correspondent Souvik Ghosh on the film and her choices. A.

It’s a fact that I am very choosy and picky when it comes to films. I get into a deep thought before agreeing to do a role or a film. It takes a lot of hard work to make a film.

I have great love for my work so I am very picky about my films. That’s why I get the opportunities to work with the best kind of films like Stree 2. A.

I definitely feel it’s a fabulous time for actors in general with tremendous opportunities on the big screen as well as on OTT. For me personally, where I am at, I am very sure about the kind of work that I want to do. I want to be a part of films like Stree 2 where my character is a pivotal part of taking a narrative forward.

So as a female actor, now I analyse whether the character is active in the script to push the narrative forward and whether it’s going to be something challenging for me to do. I have been turning down a lot of offers as well because I want to evolve as an actor. It’s interesting because those opportunities are also coming my way where I am saying ‘no’ to them and I am also clear about what I want to do.

It’s a great time for women actors. A. A.