A 20-year-old woman who already has more than 50 tattoos says her parents don't approve, and people stare at her in the street. Lucy Krasota says she doesn’t care, and has been dreaming about body modification since she was a child. At the age of 10 she already had stretchers in her ears and colourful hair, and by 13, she was thinking about silicone breasts and tattoos on her eyelids and fingers.

When she finally turned 18, she rushed to get her first inking – a simple hand stamp – and it made her want more. “I followed it up with splitting my tongue, tattooing my face and getting breast implants,” Lucy said. "I often watched videos of people who have a split tongue and realised I really wanted that for my transformation.

“I didn’t think twice and got an appointment for the next month.” Lucy now has over 50 tattoos as well as nine piercings. She said: “I also have stretched earlobes and more tattoos to come.

I want to be completely tattooed until there are no more vacancies. “So far I have three modifications but there are more to come. I have the split tongue and my silicone breasts.

I don’t want to reveal the third.” However, her ever-changing look hasn’t come without opinions from family and friends. She said: “My family had a very big problem with my change.

There was a lot of discussion and argument. But I don’t care that people have a problem with it. “The situation has calmed down.

” The body modifications also impact Lucy’s daily lif.